Cleaning Your Home After A Renovation: Tips And Best Practices
Do you plan on renovating your home in Perth and have already started construction? Renovating your home can help repair any damages and faults and lend your home a new aesthetic appeal. But renovation also involves heavy-duty construction materials and tools that will leave brick dust, plaster and tough dirt around your home.
Cleaning your home post-renovation can thus be quite a task, but if you use the right methods and tools, you can keep your home spick and span and maintain good indoor air quality.
If there is too much construction dirt and dust in your home, you can always hire bond cleaning Perth professionals to handle the post-renovation cleaning. These experts have organic solutions and top-notch cleaning tools to help eliminate even the tiniest dirt particles in your home and remove all toxic contaminants.
Whether you hire a professional to scrub your home or plan on doing it on your own, you should use the below tips to clean your home post-renovation:
Tips On Cleaning Your Home After A Renovation
Before Renovation
- Use Tarps Or Plastic Sheeting To Cover Your Floors And Walls
- Cover Your Furniture And Air Vents With Thick Sheets
- Sweep The Floors Everyday After A Cleanup
After Renovation
Once the renovation is over, it is time to hire professional bond cleaning Perth services or pick up your cleaning tools and do it on your own. If you are doing a DIY post-renovation clean, then you should use the below tips to help you out:- Gather Your Cleaning Tools
- Vacuum with HEPA filter
- Microfiber mop
- Microfiber cloth
- Bucket of warm water
- White vinegar
- Spray bottle
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Dustpan and broom
- Soft-bristled brush
- Wear Protective Personal Equipment To Keep Yourself Safe
- Open Your Windows To Allow Air Circulation
- Vacuum Your Floors and Soft Furnishings To Remove Dust
- Remove Fine Dust With A Microfiber Cloth
- Get Rid Of Brick Dust With Hydrogen Peroxide
- Brush Off Spackling Paste From Your Carpets